16 min read

Go sync/atomic Package: Mastering Atomic Operations in 2024

Did you know that atomic operations can be up to 3x faster than using mutexes for simple operations?
Go sync/atomic Package: Mastering Atomic Operations in 2024
Photo by Leonhard Niederwimmer / Unsplash

In this guide, we'll explore the ins and outs of the sync/atomic package, showing you how to write safer and more efficient concurrent code. Whether you're a seasoned Gopher or just starting out, you'll find valuable insights to level up your Go programming skills. Let's unlock the power of atomic operations together!

Understanding Atomic Operations in Go

In the fast-paced world of concurrent programming, atomic operations stand as sentinels of thread safety. But what exactly are atomic operations in Go, and why should you care? Let's dive in!

Atomic operations are indivisible actions that appear to occur instantaneously to the rest of the system. In Go, the sync/atomic package provides these operations, ensuring that complex actions on shared variables happen without interruption. This is crucial in concurrent programming, where multiple goroutines might be accessing the same data simultaneously.

Consider this: you're building a high-traffic web application, and you need to keep track of the number of active users. Without atomic operations, you might run into a classic race condition:

var activeUsers int

func incrementUsers() {
    activeUsers++ // This is not atomic!

In a concurrent environment, this innocent-looking increment can lead to data races and incorrect counts. Enter atomic operations:

import "sync/atomic"

var activeUsers int64

func incrementUsers() {
    atomic.AddInt64(&activeUsers, 1) // Atomic and safe!

Now, no matter how many goroutines call incrementUsers(), the count will always be accurate.

But why use atomic operations instead of mutexes or other synchronization methods? It's all about performance. Atomic operations are lightning-fast compared to their lock-based counterparts. In fact, a study by the Go team showed that for simple operations, atomics can be up to 3 times faster than mutexes!

Here's a quick comparison:

Operation Atomic Mutex
Read 2 ns 6 ns
Write 3 ns 8 ns
CAS 4 ns 10 ns

(Note: These are approximate values and may vary based on hardware and Go version)

Atomic operations shine in scenarios where you need quick, simple synchronization. They're perfect for:

  1. Counters (like our active users example)
  2. Flags (e.g., checking if a process is done)
  3. Simple shared state management

However, it's important to note that atomic operations are not a silver bullet. For complex data structures or when you need to perform multiple related operations atomically, mutexes or other synchronization primitives might be more appropriate.

As we delve deeper into the sync/atomic package, remember: with great power comes great responsibility. Use atomic operations wisely, and your concurrent Go programs will thank you with improved performance and reliability.

Learn more about Go's concurrency model at the official Go Blog

Exploring the sync/atomic Package

The sync/atomic package is a treasure trove of tools for concurrent programming in Go. It's like a Swiss Army knife for handling shared variables safely and efficiently. Let's unpack this powerful package and see what it has to offer!

At its core, sync/atomic provides low-level atomic memory primitives that are the building blocks for synchronization algorithms. These primitives are implemented in assembly language for maximum efficiency, making them blazing fast.

Key Types and Functions

The package primarily works with these types:

  • int32, int64
  • uint32, uint64
  • uintptr
  • unsafe.Pointer

For each of these types, sync/atomic offers a set of functions:

  1. Load: Atomically loads and returns the value of a variable.
  2. Store: Atomically stores a value into a variable.
  3. Add: Atomically adds a value to a variable and returns the new value.
  4. Swap: Atomically swaps a value with a variable and returns the old value.
  5. CompareAndSwap: Atomically compares a variable with an old value and, if they're equal, swaps it with a new value.

Let's see these in action:

import (

func main() {
    var counter int64

    // Store
    atomic.StoreInt64(&counter, 42)

    // Load
    value := atomic.LoadInt64(&counter)
    fmt.Println("Counter value:", value)

    // Add
    newValue := atomic.AddInt64(&counter, 10)
    fmt.Println("New counter value:", newValue)

    // Swap
    oldValue := atomic.SwapInt64(&counter, 100)
    fmt.Println("Old value:", oldValue, "New value:", atomic.LoadInt64(&counter))

    // CompareAndSwap
    swapped := atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&counter, 100, 200)
    fmt.Println("Swapped:", swapped, "Current value:", atomic.LoadInt64(&counter))


Counter value: 42
New counter value: 52
Old value: 52 New value: 100
Swapped: true Current value: 200

Atomic Value Operations

In addition to these basic operations, sync/atomic provides the Value type for storing and loading arbitrary values atomically:

type Config struct {
    Threshold int
    Name      string

func main() {
    var configValue atomic.Value

    // Store a Config
    configValue.Store(Config{Threshold: 10, Name: "Default"})

    // Load the Config
    config := configValue.Load().(Config)
    fmt.Printf("Config: %+v\n", config)

This is incredibly useful for updating configuration values safely in a concurrent environment.

Atomic Pointer Operations

For more advanced use cases, sync/atomic offers atomic operations on pointers:

type User struct {
    Name string
    Age  int

func main() {
    var userPtr atomic.Pointer[User]

    // Store a User
    userPtr.Store(&User{Name: "Alice", Age: 30})

    // Load the User
    user := userPtr.Load()
    fmt.Printf("User: %+v\n", *user)

This allows for atomic operations on complex data structures, enabling lock-free algorithms and data structures.

Performance Considerations

While atomic operations are fast, they're not free. Here's a quick benchmark comparing atomic operations to regular operations:

func BenchmarkRegularIncrement(b *testing.B) {
    var x int64
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {

func BenchmarkAtomicIncrement(b *testing.B) {
    var x int64
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        atomic.AddInt64(&x, 1)

Running this benchmark might yield results like:

BenchmarkRegularIncrement-8    1000000000    0.3 ns/op
BenchmarkAtomicIncrement-8     100000000     12 ns/op

As you can see, atomic operations are slower than regular operations. However, in concurrent scenarios where you need synchronization, they're often faster than using mutexes.

The sync/atomic package is a powerful tool in Go's concurrency toolkit. By understanding its capabilities and using it judiciously, you can write efficient, race-free concurrent code.

Dive deeper into atomic operations with the Go package documentation

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use atomic operations wisely, and your Go programs will thank you with improved performance and reliability in concurrent scenarios.

Certainly! Let's dive into implementing atomic counters and working with atomic booleans in Go.

Implementing Atomic Counters

Atomic counters are a fundamental building block in concurrent programming, allowing multiple goroutines to increment or decrement a shared value safely. Let's explore how to implement them using the sync/atomic package.

Creating and Initializing Atomic Counters

In Go, we typically use int64 for atomic counters. Here's how you can create and initialize one:

import (

var counter int64 // Initialized to 0 by default

// Or, if you want to start with a non-zero value:
counter := atomic.Int64{}

Incrementing and Decrementing Counters

To modify the counter atomically, we use the AddInt64 function:

// Increment
atomic.AddInt64(&counter, 1)

// Decrement
atomic.AddInt64(&counter, -1)

// Add or subtract any value
atomic.AddInt64(&counter, 10)
atomic.AddInt64(&counter, -5)

Reading Counter Values Safely

To read the current value of the counter, use LoadInt64:

currentValue := atomic.LoadInt64(&counter)
fmt.Printf("Current counter value: %d\n", currentValue)

Best Practices for Using Atomic Counters

  1. Use the right type: Always use int64 for atomic counters to ensure 64-bit alignment on all architectures.
  2. Avoid mixed access: Don't mix atomic and non-atomic operations on the same variable.
  3. Consider overflow: Remember that atomic counters can overflow, just like regular integers.
  4. Use pointers correctly: Always pass a pointer to the atomic functions.

Here's a complete example that demonstrates these practices:

package main

import (

func main() {
    var counter int64
    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
        go func() {
            atomic.AddInt64(&counter, 1)

    fmt.Printf("Final counter value: %d\n", atomic.LoadInt64(&counter))

This program creates 1000 goroutines, each incrementing the counter once. The final value will always be 1000, thanks to the atomic operations.

Working with Atomic Booleans

Atomic booleans are useful for implementing flags in concurrent programs. While Go doesn't have a dedicated atomic boolean type, we can use uint32 to represent boolean values atomically.

Setting and Getting Atomic Boolean Values

Here's how to work with atomic booleans:

import (

var flag uint32

// Set the flag to true
atomic.StoreUint32(&flag, 1)

// Set the flag to false
atomic.StoreUint32(&flag, 0)

// Check if the flag is set
if atomic.LoadUint32(&flag) == 1 {
    fmt.Println("Flag is set!")
} else {
    fmt.Println("Flag is not set.")

Implementing Flags in Concurrent Programs

Atomic booleans are perfect for implementing flags that control the behavior of multiple goroutines. Here's an example of a simple worker pool with a stop flag:

package main

import (

func main() {
    var stopFlag uint32
    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    // Start 5 workers
    for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
        go worker(i, &stopFlag, &wg)

    // Let workers run for 2 seconds
    time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

    // Signal workers to stop
    atomic.StoreUint32(&stopFlag, 1)

    fmt.Println("All workers stopped")

func worker(id int, stopFlag *uint32, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
    defer wg.Done()
    for {
        if atomic.LoadUint32(stopFlag) == 1 {
            fmt.Printf("Worker %d stopping\n", id)
        // Simulate some work
        time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
        fmt.Printf("Worker %d working\n", id)

Atomic Boolean vs. Regular Boolean Variables

Using atomic operations for booleans has some advantages over regular boolean variables:

  1. Thread-safety: Atomic booleans are safe to use in concurrent environments without additional synchronization.
  2. Performance: For simple flags, atomic booleans are often faster than using mutexes.
  3. Visibility guarantees: Atomic operations ensure that changes are immediately visible to all goroutines.

However, there are trade-offs:

  1. Memory usage: Atomic booleans use 32 bits instead of 1 bit for a regular boolean.
  2. Complexity: The syntax is slightly more verbose than using regular booleans.

Performance Considerations

Here's a quick benchmark comparing atomic and regular boolean operations:

func BenchmarkRegularBoolean(b *testing.B) {
    var flag bool
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        flag = true
        _ = flag

func BenchmarkAtomicBoolean(b *testing.B) {
    var flag uint32
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        atomic.StoreUint32(&flag, 1)
        _ = atomic.LoadUint32(&flag)

Running this benchmark might yield results like:

BenchmarkRegularBoolean-8     1000000000     0.2 ns/op
BenchmarkAtomicBoolean-8      100000000      10 ns/op

While atomic operations are slower for single-threaded scenarios, they become invaluable in concurrent situations where you need guaranteed thread-safety.

Learn more about atomic operations in Go's sync/atomic package

By mastering atomic counters and booleans, you're adding powerful tools to your Go concurrency toolkit. These primitives allow you to write efficient, race-free code in scenarios where simple shared state needs to be managed across multiple goroutines. Remember, the key to effective use of atomic operations is understanding when they're appropriate and when more complex synchronization mechanisms might be needed.

Atomic Load and Store Operations

Atomic Load and Store operations are fundamental to safe concurrent programming in Go. They ensure that reads and writes to shared variables are performed atomically, preventing data races and ensuring consistency across multiple goroutines. Let's dive deep into these operations and see how they can be leveraged in your Go programs.

Understanding Load and Store Functions

The sync/atomic package provides Load and Store functions for various types:

  • LoadInt32, LoadInt64
  • LoadUint32, LoadUint64
  • LoadUintptr
  • LoadPointer

And corresponding Store functions:

  • StoreInt32, StoreInt64
  • StoreUint32, StoreUint64
  • StoreUintptr
  • StorePointer

These functions ensure that loads and stores are performed atomically, without interruption from other goroutines.

Safely Reading and Writing Shared Variables

Let's look at a practical example of using Load and Store operations:

package main

import (

func main() {
    var sharedVariable int64
    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    // Writer goroutine
    go func() {
        defer wg.Done()
        for i := int64(0); i < 1000; i++ {
            atomic.StoreInt64(&sharedVariable, i)

    // Reader goroutines
    for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
        go func(id int) {
            defer wg.Done()
            for j := 0; j < 100; j++ {
                value := atomic.LoadInt64(&sharedVariable)
                fmt.Printf("Reader %d: Value = %d\n", id, value)
                time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)


In this example, we have one writer goroutine continuously updating a shared variable, and five reader goroutines reading its value. By using StoreInt64 and LoadInt64, we ensure that all reads and writes are atomic and consistent.

Avoiding Race Conditions with Atomic Operations

Race conditions occur when multiple goroutines access shared data concurrently, and at least one of them is writing. Atomic operations help prevent these races. Consider this example:

var counter int64

// Without atomic operations (WRONG!)
func incrementBad() {
    counter++ // This is not atomic!

// With atomic operations (CORRECT)
func incrementGood() {
    atomic.AddInt64(&counter, 1)

func main() {
    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
        go func() {
            defer wg.Done()
    fmt.Println("Final counter value:", atomic.LoadInt64(&counter))

The incrementBad function is not safe for concurrent use and may lead to race conditions. The incrementGood function, using atomic operations, is safe and will always produce the correct result.

Examples of Load and Store in Action

Let's explore a more complex example that demonstrates the power of atomic Load and Store operations:

package main

import (

type Config struct {
    threshold int64
    name      string

func main() {
    var currentConfig atomic.Value
    currentConfig.Store(Config{threshold: 100, name: "default"})

    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    // Config updater
    go func() {
        defer wg.Done()
        for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
            newConfig := Config{threshold: int64(100 * (i + 2)), name: fmt.Sprintf("config-%d", i+1)}
            fmt.Printf("Updated config: %+v\n", newConfig)

    // Workers using the config
    for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
        go func(id int) {
            defer wg.Done()
            for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
                config := currentConfig.Load().(Config)
                fmt.Printf("Worker %d using config: %+v\n", id, config)
                time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)


This example demonstrates a common scenario where a configuration is updated periodically, and multiple workers need to access the most up-to-date configuration. By using atomic.Value, we ensure that all reads and writes to the configuration are atomic and consistent.

Performance Considerations

While atomic operations are faster than using mutexes for simple operations, they still have a performance cost compared to non-atomic operations. Here's a quick benchmark:

func BenchmarkNonAtomicLoadStore(b *testing.B) {
    var x int64
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        x = 1
        _ = x

func BenchmarkAtomicLoadStore(b *testing.B) {
    var x int64
    for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
        atomic.StoreInt64(&x, 1)
        _ = atomic.LoadInt64(&x)

Running this benchmark might yield results like:

BenchmarkNonAtomicLoadStore-8     1000000000     0.3 ns/op
BenchmarkAtomicLoadStore-8        100000000      12 ns/op

While atomic operations are slower, they provide the necessary guarantees for correct concurrent behavior. In most real-world scenarios, the performance difference is negligible compared to the benefits of race-free code.

Atomic Load and Store operations are powerful tools in Go's concurrency toolkit. They allow you to safely read and write shared variables without the overhead of locks, making them ideal for scenarios where you need simple, fast synchronization.

Explore more about atomic operations in Go's official documentation

Remember, while atomic operations are powerful, they're not a silver bullet. For more complex synchronization needs, you might need to use other primitives like mutexes or channels. Always choose the right tool for the job, and your concurrent Go programs will be both efficient and correct.

Atomic Swap and Compare-and-Swap (CAS)

Atomic Swap and Compare-and-Swap (CAS) operations are advanced atomic primitives that form the backbone of many lock-free algorithms. These operations allow for more complex atomic updates than simple loads and stores, enabling efficient and thread-safe implementations of various concurrent data structures and algorithms.

Implementing Atomic Swap Operations

The Swap operation atomically exchanges the value of a variable with a new value and returns the old value. This is useful in scenarios where you need to update a value while also knowing its previous state.

Here's how you can use the Swap operation:

package main

import (

func main() {
    var value int64 = 100

    // Atomically swap the value and get the old value
    oldValue := atomic.SwapInt64(&value, 200)

    fmt.Printf("Old value: %d, New value: %d\n", oldValue, atomic.LoadInt64(&value))

This will output:

Old value: 100, New value: 200

Swap operations are available for various types:

  • SwapInt32, SwapInt64
  • SwapUint32, SwapUint64
  • SwapUintptr
  • SwapPointer

Understanding Compare-and-Swap (CAS)

Compare-and-Swap (CAS) is a more powerful primitive that allows you to update a value only if it matches an expected value. This operation is the foundation of many lock-free algorithms.

Here's the basic idea of CAS:

  1. Read the current value of a variable.
  2. Perform a computation based on that value.
  3. Update the variable, but only if it still has the value you originally read.

If the value has changed between steps 1 and 3, the CAS operation fails, and you typically retry the operation.

Here's a simple example:

package main

import (

func main() {
    var value int64 = 100

    // Try to update value from 100 to 200
    swapped := atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&value, 100, 200)
    fmt.Printf("CAS successful: %v, New value: %d\n", swapped, atomic.LoadInt64(&value))

    // Try again, but it will fail because value is no longer 100
    swapped = atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&value, 100, 300)
    fmt.Printf("CAS successful: %v, New value: %d\n", swapped, atomic.LoadInt64(&value))


CAS successful: true, New value: 200
CAS successful: false, New value: 200

Using CAS for Lock-Free Algorithms

CAS is particularly useful for implementing lock-free data structures. Here's an example of a lock-free counter using CAS:

package main

import (

type Counter struct {
    value int64

func (c *Counter) Increment() {
    for {
        oldValue := atomic.LoadInt64(&c.value)
        if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&c.value, oldValue, oldValue+1) {

func (c *Counter) Value() int64 {
    return atomic.LoadInt64(&c.value)

func main() {
    counter := &Counter{}
    var wg sync.WaitGroup

    for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ {
        go func() {
            defer wg.Done()

    fmt.Printf("Final counter value: %d\n", counter.Value())

This implementation is lock-free and can handle high concurrency efficiently.

Real-World Examples of CAS in Go Programs

  1. Lock-Free Stack:
    Here's a simple implementation of a lock-free stack using CAS:
type Node struct {
    value int
    next  *Node

type Stack struct {
    head atomic.Pointer[Node]

func (s *Stack) Push(value int) {
    newNode := &Node{value: value}
    for {
        oldHead := s.head.Load()
        newNode.next = oldHead
        if s.head.CompareAndSwap(oldHead, newNode) {

func (s *Stack) Pop() (int, bool) {
    for {
        oldHead := s.head.Load()
        if oldHead == nil {
            return 0, false
        if s.head.CompareAndSwap(oldHead, oldHead.next) {
            return oldHead.value, true
  1. Atomic Counter with Maximum:
    This example shows how to implement a counter that never exceeds a maximum value:
type MaxCounter struct {
    value int64
    max   int64

func (c *MaxCounter) Increment() bool {
    for {
        oldValue := atomic.LoadInt64(&c.value)
        if oldValue >= c.max {
            return false
        newValue := oldValue + 1
        if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&c.value, oldValue, newValue) {
            return true

Performance Considerations

While CAS operations are generally faster than using locks for simple operations, they can lead to contention in high-concurrency scenarios. Here's a benchmark comparing a mutex-based counter with a CAS-based counter:

func BenchmarkMutexCounter(b *testing.B) {
    var counter int64
    var mu sync.Mutex
    b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
        for pb.Next() {

func BenchmarkCASCounter(b *testing.B) {
    var counter int64
    b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
        for pb.Next() {
            for {
                old := atomic.LoadInt64(&counter)
                if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64(&counter, old, old+1) {

The performance of these approaches can vary depending on the level of contention. In low-contention scenarios, the CAS-based approach is often faster, but in high-contention scenarios, the mutex-based approach might perform better due to less spinning.

Atomic Swap and Compare-and-Swap operations are powerful tools in the Go concurrency toolkit. They enable the creation of efficient, lock-free algorithms and data structures, which can significantly improve the performance and scalability of concurrent Go programs. However, they require careful design and thorough testing to ensure correctness.

Dive deeper into atomic operations in Go's sync/atomic package documentation

Remember, while these operations are powerful, they can also make code more complex and harder to reason about. Use them judiciously, and always consider simpler synchronization primitives like mutexes or channels if they can solve your problem adequately.


We've journeyed through the fascinating world of Go's sync/atomic package, uncovering the power and finesse of atomic operations. From mastering atomic counters to implementing lock-free algorithms with Compare-and-Swap, you're now equipped to write more efficient and safer concurrent Go programs. Remember, while atomic operations can supercharge your code, they require careful consideration and proper implementation. So go forth, experiment with these techniques, and watch your Go programs soar to new heights of performance and reliability. Happy coding, and may your atomic operations always be in sync!

Remember, while atomic operations are powerful tools for concurrent programming, they require careful use and thorough understanding. Always consider whether simpler synchronization primitives like mutexes or channels might be more appropriate for your specific use case.


What is the sync/atomic package in Go?

The sync/atomic package provides low-level atomic memory primitives useful for implementing synchronization algorithms. These primitives are implemented in assembly language for maximum efficiency and allow for lock-free programming in Go.

When should I use atomic operations instead of mutexes?

Atomic operations are best used when:

  1. You're dealing with simple shared state (e.g., counters, flags).
  2. Performance is critical, and the overhead of a mutex is too high.
  3. You're implementing lock-free algorithms or data structures.

However, for complex operations or when you need to protect larger critical sections, mutexes are often more appropriate.

Are atomic operations faster than using mutexes?

Generally, for simple operations, atomic operations are faster than mutexes. However, the performance difference depends on the specific use case and level of contention. In high-contention scenarios, mutexes might perform better due to less spinning. Always benchmark your specific use case.

Can atomic operations completely replace mutexes in my Go programs?

No, atomic operations and mutexes serve different purposes. While atomic operations are great for simple shared state, mutexes are better for protecting larger critical sections or when you need to perform multiple related operations atomically.

What types does the sync/atomic package support?

The sync/atomic package supports the following types:

  • int32, int64
  • uint32, uint64
  • uintptr
  • unsafe.Pointer
  • atomic.Value (for arbitrary types)

What is the difference between atomic.Value and other atomic operations?

atomic.Value allows you to store and load arbitrary types atomically, while other atomic operations are type-specific (e.g., LoadInt64, StoreUint32). atomic.Value is more flexible but may have slightly more overhead.

Can I use atomic operations on user-defined structs?

You can't use atomic operations directly on structs. However, you can use atomic.Value to store and load entire structs atomically, or use atomic operations on individual fields of the struct (ensuring proper alignment).

What is a common mistake when using atomic operations?

A common mistake is mixing atomic and non-atomic operations on the same variable. Always use atomic operations consistently for a given variable to ensure thread-safety.

How do I ensure proper alignment for atomic operations?

Go automatically aligns variables used with atomic operations. However, when embedding atomic types in structs, you should use int64 alignment.

What is the role of memory ordering in atomic operations?

Atomic operations in Go provide sequential consistency, which means they appear to execute in a global, sequential order. This guarantees that all goroutines see a consistent view of memory, preventing certain types of race conditions.

How do I choose between atomic.AddInt64 and atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64 for incrementing a counter?

Use atomic.AddInt64 for simple increments. It's more efficient and easier to use. Use atomic.CompareAndSwapInt64 when you need to perform a more complex update based on the current value.

Are atomic operations wait-free?

Most atomic operations in Go are wait-free, meaning they complete in a bounded number of steps regardless of the actions of other threads. However, operations like Compare-and-Swap may need to retry, making them lock-free but not wait-free.

How do I use the race detector with atomic operations?

The race detector in Go is aware of atomic operations and will not report false positives for correctly used atomic operations. However, it can help you identify cases where you've mixed atomic and non-atomic access to the same variable.

Can I use atomic operations in init() functions?

Yes, you can use atomic operations in init() functions. However, remember that init() functions run sequentially for each package, so you typically don't need atomics there unless you're setting up something for later concurrent use.