12 min read

Mastering Golang's sync.Cond: Practical Examples for 2024

Did you know that proper use of sync.Cond can reduce CPU usage by up to 30% in certain scenarios?
Mastering Golang's sync.Cond: Practical Examples for 2024
Photo by MichaΕ‚ Parzuchowski / Unsplash

That's right – mastering this tool can seriously level up your Go skills.

And actually, sync.Cond is one of Go's most powerful yet often overlooked synchronization primitives. So, let's roll up our sleeves and explore some killer examples that'll make your code sing in perfect harmony!

Understanding sync.Cond in Go

Golang's sync.Cond is a powerful synchronization primitive that often flies under the radar for many developers. But make no mistake – it's a game-changer when it comes to coordinating goroutines efficiently. So, what exactly is sync.Cond, and why should you care?

At its core, sync.Cond is a rendezvous point for goroutines waiting for or announcing the occurrence of an event. It's like a sophisticated traffic light for your concurrent code, allowing goroutines to wait for certain conditions to be met before proceeding. This makes it an invaluable tool for scenarios where you need fine-grained control over goroutine execution.

Let's break down the key components of sync.Cond:

  1. Locker: This is typically a sync.Mutex or sync.RWMutex that protects the condition.
  2. Wait: A method that suspends execution of the calling goroutine until a signal is sent.
  3. Signal: Wakes up one goroutine waiting on the condition.
  4. Broadcast: Wakes up all goroutines waiting on the condition.

But why use sync.Cond when we have other synchronization primitives like Mutex or WaitGroup? Well, sync.Cond shines in situations where goroutines need to wait for a specific condition to occur, rather than just waiting for a certain number of operations to complete (as with WaitGroup) or for exclusive access to a resource (as with Mutex).

Here's a quick comparison:

Primitive Best Used For
sync.Cond Coordinating goroutines based on conditions
sync.Mutex Protecting shared resources
sync.WaitGroup Waiting for a group of goroutines to finish

To truly appreciate the power of sync.Cond, let's dive into some practical examples. But before we do, remember this quote from Rob Pike, one of Go's creators:

"Don't communicate by sharing memory; share memory by communicating."

While this principle often leads us to channels, sync.Cond provides a nuanced approach to goroutine coordination that can be more efficient in certain scenarios.

For more in-depth information on Go's concurrency primitives, check out the official Go blog post on advanced concurrency patterns.

Basic sync.Cond Example: Producer-Consumer Pattern

The producer-consumer pattern is a classic problem in concurrent programming, and it's a perfect scenario to demonstrate the power of sync.Cond. In this example, we'll implement a simple producer-consumer scenario where a producer generates items, and a consumer processes them.

Let's dive into the code:

package main

import (

type Queue struct {
	items []int
	cond  *sync.Cond

func NewQueue() *Queue {
	return &Queue{
		cond: sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{}),

func (q *Queue) Produce(item int) {
	defer q.cond.L.Unlock()

	q.items = append(q.items, item)
	fmt.Printf("Produced: %d\n", item)

func (q *Queue) Consume() int {
	defer q.cond.L.Unlock()

	for len(q.items) == 0 {

	item := q.items[0]
	q.items = q.items[1:]
	fmt.Printf("Consumed: %d\n", item)
	return item

func main() {
	queue := NewQueue()

	// Producer
	go func() {
		for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ {

	// Consumer
	go func() {
		for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ {
			time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)

	// Wait for completion
	time.Sleep(12 * time.Second)

Let's break down this example and see how sync.Cond is being used:

  1. Queue Structure: We define a Queue struct that holds our items and a sync.Cond. The condition variable is initialized with a mutex in the NewQueue function.
  2. Produce Method:
    • Locks the mutex (q.cond.L.Lock())
    • Adds an item to the queue
    • Signals waiting consumers (q.cond.Signal())
    • Unlocks the mutex (q.cond.L.Unlock())
  3. Consume Method:
    • Locks the mutex
    • Waits if the queue is empty (q.cond.Wait())
    • Removes and returns an item when available
    • Unlocks the mutex

The key to this implementation is the use of Wait() and Signal() methods:

  • Wait(): This method atomically unlocks the mutex and suspends the goroutine. When Wait() returns, either due to a Signal() or Broadcast(), it re-acquires the lock.
  • Signal(): This wakes up one goroutine waiting on the condition.
Pro Tip: Always call Wait() inside a loop that checks the condition. This protects against spurious wakeups and ensures the condition is truly met.

This pattern allows for efficient coordination between the producer and consumer goroutines. The consumer only wakes up when there's actually work to do, reducing CPU usage compared to a busy-waiting approach.

Here's a quick comparison of different synchronization methods for this scenario:

Method Pros Cons
sync.Cond Efficient, flexible More complex to implement
Channels Simple, idiomatic Go Can be less efficient for complex scenarios
Busy waiting Simple to implement Wastes CPU cycles

For more advanced usage of sync.Cond, you might want to check out the Go standard library source code, which provides excellent examples of how it's used in core Go components.

In the next section, we'll explore a more advanced example: implementing a thread-safe queue with sync.Cond. This will showcase how to handle multiple producers and consumers, as well as how to deal with queue capacity limits.

Advanced sync.Cond Example: Implementing a Thread-Safe Queue

Building on our basic producer-consumer pattern, let's dive into a more advanced example: implementing a thread-safe queue with capacity limits using sync.Cond. This example will demonstrate how to handle multiple producers and consumers, as well as how to deal with full and empty queue conditions.

package main

import (

type BoundedQueue struct {
	items      []interface{}
	capacity   int
	mutex      sync.Mutex
	notEmpty   *sync.Cond
	notFull    *sync.Cond

func NewBoundedQueue(capacity int) *BoundedQueue {
	q := &BoundedQueue{
		capacity: capacity,
		items:    make([]interface{}, 0, capacity),
	q.notEmpty = sync.NewCond(&q.mutex)
	q.notFull = sync.NewCond(&q.mutex)
	return q

func (q *BoundedQueue) Enqueue(item interface{}) {
	defer q.mutex.Unlock()

	for len(q.items) == q.capacity {

	q.items = append(q.items, item)

func (q *BoundedQueue) Dequeue() interface{} {
	defer q.mutex.Unlock()

	for len(q.items) == 0 {

	item := q.items[0]
	q.items = q.items[1:]
	return item

func main() {
	queue := NewBoundedQueue(5)
	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	// Producers
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		go func(id int) {
			defer wg.Done()
			for j := 0; j < 5; j++ {
				item := fmt.Sprintf("P%d-Item%d", id, j)
				fmt.Printf("Producer %d enqueued: %s\n", id, item)
				time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)

	// Consumers
	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
		go func(id int) {
			defer wg.Done()
			for j := 0; j < 7; j++ {
				item := queue.Dequeue()
				fmt.Printf("Consumer %d dequeued: %v\n", id, item)
				time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 200)


Let's break down the key components of this advanced implementation:

  1. BoundedQueue Structure:
    • items: Slice to store queue elements
    • capacity: Maximum number of items the queue can hold
    • mutex: Protects access to the queue
    • notEmpty and notFull: Two condition variables for different states
  2. Enqueue Method:
    • Waits if the queue is full (q.notFull.Wait())
    • Adds an item when space is available
    • Signals waiting consumers that the queue is not empty
  3. Dequeue Method:
    • Waits if the queue is empty (q.notEmpty.Wait())
    • Removes and returns an item when available
    • Signals waiting producers that the queue is not full

This implementation showcases several advanced concepts:

  • Multiple Condition Variables: We use two sync.Cond variables to handle different queue states (empty and full) more efficiently.
  • Bounded Queue: The queue has a fixed capacity, demonstrating how to handle resource limits.
  • Multiple Producers and Consumers: The main function creates multiple goroutines for both producing and consuming, showing how sync.Cond can coordinate multiple goroutines effectively.
πŸ’‘ Pro Tip: Using separate condition variables for "not empty" and "not full" conditions can improve performance by allowing more fine-grained wakeups.
Pro Tip: Using separate condition variables for "not empty" and "not full" conditions can improve performance by allowing more fine-grained wakeups.

Here's a comparison of different queue implementations:

Implementation Pros Cons
sync.Cond based Fine-grained control, efficient More complex code
Channel based Simple, built-in to Go Less flexible for complex scenarios
Lock-free queue High performance Very complex to implement correctly

This advanced example demonstrates how sync.Cond can be used to create sophisticated synchronization mechanisms. It's particularly useful in scenarios where you need precise control over goroutine scheduling and resource management.

For further reading on advanced concurrency patterns in Go, check out the Go Concurrency Patterns article on the official Go blog.

In the next section, we'll explore a real-world example of using sync.Cond to build a job queue system, which will demonstrate how these concepts can be applied in practical applications.

Real-World Example: Building a Job Queue with sync.Cond

Let's dive into a practical, real-world scenario where sync.Cond shines: implementing a job queue system for parallel processing. This example will demonstrate how to use sync.Cond to manage worker goroutines efficiently, implement job prioritization, and handle job cancellation.

package main

import (

type Job struct {
	ID       int
	Priority int
	Task     func() error
	ctx      context.Context

type JobQueue struct {
	jobs     []*Job
	cond     *sync.Cond
	quit     chan struct{}
	workers  int

func NewJobQueue(workers int) *JobQueue {
	return &JobQueue{
		cond:    sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{}),
		quit:    make(chan struct{}),
		workers: workers,

func (jq *JobQueue) AddJob(job *Job) {
	defer jq.cond.L.Unlock()

	// Insert job in priority order
	insertIdx := 0
	for i, j := range jq.jobs {
		if job.Priority > j.Priority {
			insertIdx = i
	jq.jobs = append(jq.jobs[:insertIdx], append([]*Job{job}, jq.jobs[insertIdx:]...)...)

func (jq *JobQueue) worker(id int) {
	for {
		for len(jq.jobs) == 0 {
			select {
			case <-jq.quit:

		// Get the highest priority job
		job := jq.jobs[0]
		jq.jobs = jq.jobs[1:]

		// Process the job
		fmt.Printf("Worker %d processing job %d (Priority: %d)\n", id, job.ID, job.Priority)
		select {
		case <-job.ctx.Done():
			fmt.Printf("Job %d cancelled\n", job.ID)
			if err := job.Task(); err != nil {
				fmt.Printf("Error processing job %d: %v\n", job.ID, err)
			} else {
				fmt.Printf("Job %d completed successfully\n", job.ID)

func (jq *JobQueue) Start() {
	for i := 0; i < jq.workers; i++ {
		go jq.worker(i)

func (jq *JobQueue) Stop() {

func main() {
	jobQueue := NewJobQueue(3)

	// Add some jobs
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*5)
		defer cancel()
			ID:       i,
			Priority: i % 3,  // Priorities 0, 1, 2
			ctx:      ctx,
			Task: func() error {
				return nil

	// Let the jobs process for a while
	time.Sleep(time.Second * 8)

	// Stop the job queue

This real-world example demonstrates several advanced concepts:

  1. Priority Queue: Jobs are inserted in priority order, ensuring that high-priority tasks are processed first.
  2. Job Cancellation: Each job has a context.Context, allowing for timeouts and cancellation.
  3. Worker Pool: The job queue manages a fixed number of worker goroutines, efficiently processing jobs in parallel.
  4. Graceful Shutdown: The Stop method allows for a clean shutdown of the worker pool.

Let's break down the key components:

JobQueue Structure

  • jobs: Slice of jobs, maintained in priority order.
  • cond: The sync.Cond used for coordinating workers and job addition.
  • quit: Channel for signaling workers to stop.
  • workers: Number of worker goroutines to spawn.

AddJob Method

  • Locks the mutex.
  • Inserts the job in priority order.
  • Signals waiting workers that a new job is available.

Worker Method

  • Runs in a loop, waiting for jobs using cond.Wait().
  • Checks for quit signal to handle graceful shutdown.
  • Processes jobs, respecting cancellation via the job's context.

Start and Stop Methods

  • Start: Spawns the specified number of worker goroutines.
  • Stop: Signals all workers to stop and broadcasts to wake them up.
πŸ’‘ Pro Tip: Using a priority queue with sync.Cond allows for efficient handling of jobs with different importance levels, crucial in many real-world scenarios.

Here's a comparison of different job queue implementations:

Implementation Pros Cons
sync.Cond based Fine-grained control, priority support More complex code
Channel based Simple, built-in to Go Less flexible for priorities
Third-party libraries (e.g., Machinery) Feature-rich, battle-tested Additional dependency, potential overhead

This implementation showcases how sync.Cond can be used to build a sophisticated job queue system with features like priority scheduling and cancellation. It's particularly useful in scenarios where you need precise control over job execution and resource management.

For more advanced job queue implementations, you might want to explore libraries like Machinery or Asynq, which provide additional features like persistence and distributed processing.

In the next section, we'll discuss best practices and common pitfalls when using sync.Cond, helping you avoid common mistakes and optimize your concurrent Go code.

Best Practices and Common Pitfalls

When working with sync.Cond in Go, it's crucial to follow best practices and be aware of common pitfalls to ensure your concurrent code is efficient, correct, and maintainable. Let's dive into some key considerations:

Best Practices

  1. Always use Wait() in a loop

One of the most important best practices when using sync.Cond is to always call Wait() inside a loop that checks the condition. This protects against spurious wakeups and ensures the condition is truly met.

for !condition() {
  1. Use defer for unlocking

To prevent deadlocks due to forgotten unlocks, always use defer to unlock mutexes:

defer cond.L.Unlock()
  1. Prefer Signal() over Broadcast() when possible

While Broadcast() wakes up all waiting goroutines, Signal() wakes up only one. Using Signal() when appropriate can be more efficient:

// If only one goroutine needs to be woken

// If all goroutines need to be woken
  1. Use separate condition variables for different states

When dealing with multiple conditions, use separate sync.Cond variables for each. This allows for more fine-grained control and can improve performance:

type Queue struct {
    notEmpty *sync.Cond
    notFull  *sync.Cond
    // ...
  1. Combine sync.Cond with other synchronization primitives

sync.Cond works well in combination with other synchronization tools. For example, you can use sync.WaitGroup to wait for all workers to finish:

var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < workerCount; i++ {
    go func() {
        defer wg.Done()
        // Worker logic using sync.Cond

Common Pitfalls

  1. Forgetting to lock/unlock

Always ensure you lock before calling Wait(), Signal(), or Broadcast(), and unlock afterward:

// ... operations ...
  1. Using sync.Cond when channels would be simpler

While sync.Cond is powerful, channels are often a simpler and more idiomatic solution in Go. Use sync.Cond when you need fine-grained control over goroutine wakeups.

  1. Inefficient polling

Avoid inefficient polling loops. Use Wait() to suspend the goroutine until signaled:

// Bad: Inefficient polling
for !condition() {

// Good: Efficient waiting
for !condition() {
  1. Misusing Broadcast()

Overusing Broadcast() can lead to the "thundering herd" problem, where all waiting goroutines wake up but only one can proceed. Use Signal() when possible.

  1. Not handling spurious wakeups

Remember that Wait() can return spuriously. Always recheck the condition after Wait() returns:

for {
    for !condition() {
    // Process...

Performance Considerations

When working with sync.Cond, keep these performance tips in mind:

  1. Minimize critical sections: Keep the code between Lock() and Unlock() as short as possible.
  2. Use buffered channels for signaling: In some cases, a buffered channel can be more efficient than sync.Cond for simple signaling.
  3. Benchmark your code: Use Go's built-in benchmarking tools to compare different synchronization strategies.

Here's a quick comparison of different synchronization methods:

Method Best Use Case Performance Characteristics
sync.Cond Complex coordination scenarios Good for fine-grained control, potential for contention
Channels Simple signaling and data transfer Excellent for most scenarios, built into language
sync.Mutex Simple mutual exclusion Low overhead, but can cause contention under high load
sync.RWMutex Read-heavy workloads Better performance for multiple readers, slower writes
πŸ’‘ Pro Tip: Profile your application using Go's built-in profiling tools (pprof) to identify synchronization bottlenecks and optimize accordingly.

For more insights on Go concurrency patterns and best practices, check out the Effective Go documentation and Dave Cheney's blog post on Practical Go: Real world advice for writing maintainable Go programs.

By following these best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, you'll be well on your way to writing efficient, correct, and maintainable concurrent Go code using sync.Cond.


We've just taken a whirlwind tour of sync.Cond in Go, and I hope you're as excited as I am about its potential! From basic producer-consumer patterns to advanced job queues, we've seen how this powerful primitive can streamline your concurrent code. Remember, the key to mastering sync.Cond is practice, practice, practice! So go ahead, fire up your IDE, and start experimenting with these examples. Who knows? You might just find yourself orchestrating a symphony of goroutines in no time! Happy coding, and may your concurrent programs always run smoothly! πŸš€


Let's address some frequently asked questions about sync.Cond in Go. These questions and answers will help clarify common misconceptions and provide additional insights into using this powerful synchronization primitive.

What's the difference between sync.Cond and channels?

While both sync.Cond and channels are used for goroutine synchronization, they serve different purposes:

  • Channels are best for passing data between goroutines and for simple signaling.
  • sync.Cond is ideal for coordinating multiple goroutines based on complex conditions, especially when you need fine-grained control over which goroutines are awakened.

Why use sync.Cond instead of a simple for loop with time.Sleep?

Using sync.Cond is more efficient than polling with time.Sleep:

  • It doesn't waste CPU cycles checking repeatedly.
  • It allows immediate wakeup when the condition changes.
  • It's more scalable, especially with many waiting goroutines.

Can I use sync.Cond with a sync.RWMutex?

Yes, you can use sync.Cond with a sync.RWMutex. This can be useful when you have read-heavy workloads

What's the difference between Signal() and Broadcast()?

  • Signal() wakes up one waiting goroutine.
  • Broadcast() wakes up all waiting goroutines.

Choose based on your specific needs!

Is sync.Cond thread-safe?

Yes, sync.Cond is thread-safe when used correctly. Always ensure you're holding the lock when calling Wait(), Signal(), or Broadcast()

Can I use sync.Cond across different packages?

Yes, but it's generally better to encapsulate the sync.Cond within a type and expose methods for interacting with it.

Is there a way to check if there are goroutines waiting on a sync.Cond?

Unfortunately, there's no built-in way to check this. If you need this functionality, you'll have to implement it yourself by keeping a counter of waiting goroutines.

Can sync.Cond cause deadlocks?

Yes, if not used correctly. Common causes include:

  • Forgetting to unlock the mutex
  • Circular wait conditions
  • Misusing Signal() and Broadcast()

Always ensure proper locking/unlocking and avoid complex interdependencies between conditions.